If you've been looking to improve your credit you are probably familiar with many terms that affect your credit score - one being a hard inquiry. What exactly is a hard inquiry and what does it mean for your credit?
Leer másIn 2015 the US joined Europe and much of the world in utilizing EMV technology on credit and debit cards. But why exactly did we add those little computer chips to our cards?
Leer másIf your wallet is stuffed or you've finally paid off that troublesome balance canceling a credit card can seem like the smart thing to do. But is it really the best idea for your credit?
Leer másDealing with a low credit score is a reality for millions of Americans. And while there are many pieces that go into building your score there is one that holds the most weight - making on-time payments.
Leer másIt has an enormous impact on your credit score but how much do you know about your credit utilization ratio?
Leer más¿Todavía contemplando congelar su crédito después de la ruptura de Equifax el año pasado? Bueno, ahora tienes otra oportunidad de hacerlo sin cobrar.
Leer másWe've all been at the checkout at our favorite store when the cashier asks if we would like to save additional money by opening a credit card with that store. What should you do?
Leer másPueden parecer iguales, pero el funcionamiento de una tarjeta de débito es muy diferente al de su contraparte de crédito.
Leer másIf your New Year's resolution is to get yourself in financial shape adding more to your debt is the last thing you are looking to do. But once you pay down those cards how can you avoid paying interest in the future?
Leer másAre you struggling to make a real dent in your credit card balances? According to recent data you are not alone.
Leer másOne of the more confusing and frustrating parts of having a credit card is the interest rate. How can you get a lower one? How does it actually work?
Leer másNo tienes que tener años de deudas o malos hábitos financieros para tener un bajo puntaje de crédito. Aunque no se puede arreglar todo de la noche a la mañana, hay unos simples cambios de hábitos que pueden llevarte a una trayectoria ascendente y ayudarte a permanecer allí.
Leer másSince the Equifax breach many people are taking a good hard look at what they are doing to protect themselves from identity theft. One tool people are flocking to in droves is LifeLock.
Leer másThe Equifax breach earlier this year exposed the personal and financial information of nearly 150 million Americans. If your information has been compromised it may not be immediately apparent and can take some time to get into the wrong hands. So what can you do in the meantime?
Leer másEvery time a credit card is marketed to you the phrase 'balance transfer' is always prominent. But what exactly is a balance transfer?
Leer másSi ha estado al tanto de las noticias últimamente, es probable que haya oído hablar de la gran violación de información personal y financiera en Equifax. ¿Qué medidas debería tomar para asegurarse de que sus finanzas están protegidas?
Leer másA credit card is something everyone has but not everyone understands how to use. How can you manage your credit card debt and avoid colossal fees?
Leer másAsí que estás tratando de poner en orden tu crédito. Naturalmente puedes pensar que deshacerse de tantas cuentas como sea posible sólo puede ser algo positivo... ¿verdad? Incorrecto.
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